  Shanxi, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River valley with its pleasant climate and abundant resources, has been regarded as a cradle of ancient humankind ...
  Xia as the first dynasty in Chinese history was established in the 21st century BCE. Various social systems were gradually formed. Social productivity has dev...
About 3000 years ago, the Shang Dynasty was overthrown by the King Wu who established the Western Zhou Dynasty. Then he enfeoffed leuds and took measures to shi...
  Shanxi, located in the ecotone between the agricultural area in the heartland of the Central Plains and the nomadic area in the steppes beyond the Great Wall,...
  Buddhism, originated in ancient India during the 6th century BCE is one of the three major religions in the world. It was introduced into China around the fir...
  Chinese opera is a kind of stage art composed of various performing forms, such as music, singing and dancing, dialogue and farce. It is an important componen...
  In the usual sense, the term ”Shanxi merchants” refers to Shanxi merchants in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, together with Chaozhou merchants and Huizhou mercha...
Ancient Chinese architecture is unique in its wooden structure, skillfully built with traditional philosophical ideas and aesthetic tastes to show a glamorous p...
  All these beautiful stones are regarded as jade in China.

  Jades are generous gifts of the nature. As jades are glittering and translucent, elegant and pu...
  Currency, which is the product of commodity exchange, is a fixed commodity that is separated in the process of commodity exchange and acts as a general equiva...
  Porcelain is China's original creation. Water and soil can be kneaded into clay wares. Wood and stone made glazes. After fire tempering, metals display shinin...